#Toul Basan Temple Located in Sya Ampil village, Baray commune, Srey Santhor district, Kampong Cham province. Today, we still see the temple and a one-story pagoda surrounded by a water baray around a Brahmin temple converted to Buddhism, probably with three floors. The temple is located on a high hill with large trees, especially tamarind trees that are hundreds of years old. Tuol Basan was also the former capital and a gathering place for many Khmer kings from the late Angkorian period 1396 to the Udong period. After leaving Yasodharapura at Angkor, "Toul Basa" became the next capital for generations of Khmer kings, playing a role in liberating and defending the territory, building territory and leaving a lot of historical evidence in the history books of Cambodia. As of today, this ancient capital is more than 600 years old. After years of war, Tuol Basan, as well as Cambodia as a whole, has been replaced by peace, political stability and development, in which Tuol Basan seems to have regained hope of declaring to the world that it is not. The name disappears according to history. According to the Srey Santhor district authority, "Tuol Basan" is a Khmer historical site for many generations. Basan was once the capital of Cambodia with many kings, he ruled in succession there: 1- # King Chao Ponhea Yat (1394-1463) came to build an army at Tuol Basan for 5 months before raising troops to liberate Angkor from the power of King Kampong Pisey, the Siamese king who ruled Angkor after King Baat and King Basat. Later, King Chao Ponhea Yat went to set up a palace in Tuol Basan for a while and then moved to set up the capital in Chaktomuk (present-day Phnom Penh), at which time Phnom Penh was named "Chaktomuk Mongkul Global City of Cambodia, President Serey Thor Bovor Indabat Borey, Reach Seima Great city. 2- # King Srey Suryotoy (1472-1486) was the son of King Narayan Raja and the grandson of King Ponhea Yat. Dissatisfied with not succeeding his father (the throne continued to Srey Reacha, who was the second younger brother of King Noray Reach), Srey Suryot came to establish autonomous power in Tuol Basan to rule Basan province, Rong Damrey province. Prey Nokor, Long Hor, Prey Bak Deng, from Tuol Basan to Kampuchea Krom to Nokor Champa. It was then that Cambodia was divided into three kingdoms: partly under the control of Queen Srey Soyotei. The other part is from the west of the Tonle Sap to the east of Thailand and northeastern Thailand under the control of Queen Srey Raja, who was liberating territory from the Siamese king in Ayutthaya. The other part, with its capital at Chaktomuk, was under the rule of King Dharmaraja, who was the younger brother of King Srey Raja and the eldest daughter of King Srey Suryot. Finally, the throne came into the hands of King Dharmaraja, a Khmer Siamese by his father, King Ponhea Yat, his mother was a Siamese concubine named Si Sa Ngam, the sister of King Kompong Pisey. Dharmaraja had two sons, Srey Sokunthap and Chan Reachea. 3- # King Srey Sokunthap (1504-1512) was the son of King Dhammaraja and the grandson of King Ponhea Yat. Although he had an ancestor in Chaktomuk, he also went to rest and work at the Tuol Basan Palace, leaving his younger brother, Chan (the future King Chan Reach), the Grand Viceroy, in charge of the royal palace. Chaktomuk instead. 4- # King Rama Cheung Prey (1593-1596) Although the history books say that he has a vague genealogy, but he was the hero who led the army to liberate Longvek from the Siamese power during the reign of the monarch. Of King Samdech Preah Norasor Maharaj) also returned. Before the reign of King Rama Cheung Prey, during the reigns of King Chey Chetha I (11 years old) and Father Preah Sattha I, Longvek city, they were burnt down by the Siamese army under the military operation of King Norso (Thai called King Nare Suon). When he reigned in Ayutthaya. During the planning of the liberation of Longvek and during the reign of the Khmer king, King Rama Cheung Prey also went to live in the royal palace of Tuol Basan and died here. 5- # King Srey Suryaporn (1603-1618) was a king who was respected by the people, he was the younger brother of King Sattha I. When the Siamese army of Reach Manu, the commander of King Norso, invaded Longvek, King Srey Soyoporn (as commander) led a fierce battle against the Siamese army, but in the end Longvek was defeated by the Siamese. Until then, he was taken captive by the Siamese and sent to Ayutthaya. Later, Queen Maha Devi, the patriarch, begged the Siamese king to return Princess Suryaporn to rule the Kingdom of Cambodia. The Siamese king also agreed to the request of the great goddess, thinking that he could take the Khmer kingdom as a subordinate kingdom of Siam by raising Queen Srey Soyoporn to the throne. When Srey Suryaporn returned to the throne in Cambodia, he moved the capital to Udong and also stayed at the Tuol Basan Palace. Not wanting the Kingdom of Cambodia to be under Siamese rule, Queen Suryaporn also moved in contact with the Annamite king, who had the capital at the time, Hue, accusing Princess Ang Zhou (son of the Wei king). ) To marry King Chey Chetha II, his son. 6- # In 1596-1603 AD (during the Udong period), there were three kings living in the Tuol Basan Palace, including King Ton I, Prince On and Samdech Keo Pha Ponhea Nhom, who only provoked wars to seize the throne and caused peace. Tear up the territory and lose the Khmer territory in many provinces as well. Please note that Basan province is located in the east: lakes in the southeast, Mekong River in the south, large forests, which are all new tourism potential for tourists who like cultural, historical and natural tourism. Wednesday, March 13, 2015 Corresponds to 21.12.2022